
viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Understanding colors

Hi, how are you doing? Today, I will give you an important lesson about colors and how to understand some trends and your personal preferences about your favorite colors and why we dislike some others.

This won’t be a master class about colors, but at least we can divide them like this:
  • Primary (red, blue and yellow),
  • Secondary (green, purple/violet, orange),
  • Tertiary (the color between a Primary and a Secondary. E.g.: blue-green, yellow-orange, etc.).
We can find more colors “in between”.
When we look at the color wheel. the color opposite is called complementary and the ones next to each side are called analogous.

From all those colors we can have a Color Wheel, where the color spectrum is represented in a wheel form and also it’ll be easier for us to see which color is “cool” and which is “warm”. For me and other authors “cool” colors go from Green to red-purple, and “warm” colors from green-yellow to red. Also we can say that colors can have some warmth and coolness to them, there are some warm blue colors, cool yellow colors and so on.
How the colors may affect my skin and makeup?
There are some colors which are called “warm” that will look amazing on people with “warm” undertone and those called “cool” will look stunning on people with “cool” undertone. People with “neutral” undertone can use all the colors. There are colors that will be great on anyone.
For example: if you have “warm” undertone and you like blue, probably it’ll be a bit off on you; if you have “cool” undertone probably orange won’t look great on you. You might notice that something is not right. You can wear orange if you have cool undertone, yes, but probably a cool undertone one (corals and salmons). This Color Theory can be apply either clothes or makeup.
When a color works better on you than another one, this means “harmony”.
Also there are colors that might look great on us, but in a lipstick form can make our teeth look yellow.

Season and Colors:
The seasons have their own colors; and some might be better for one season than another. Just try them on to know which one suits you the best.


Autumn or Fall:



Is there any "Color of the year"?
Year after year a company, Pantone, says which color will be seen that year. This color will be use in many designe business and also cosmetics. This color is unique.
This year's color: Greenery

Pantone may choose more than one specific color. 2016's color of the year were actually two: Rose Quarz & Serenity

This post ends here. I hope you found this post useful.

Till my next post! (Understanding my face shape).

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